Monday, September 21, 2009

Kid A. X Tractor.

Summer is departing and with it goes that unique Irish tradition of thirteen year old boys in county jerseys driving tractors the size of houses on country roads. Is the inverse of normal licensing requirements at work when it comes to tractors, I mean do you have to be under sixteen to drive one nowadays? Evidently there are random Department of Transport spot checks to make sure that when pulling a Titanic sized load down a pot holed boreen that you have to be disfigured by acne and flooring it. Are you at risk of having your license revoked if found driving one of these beasts while employing a modicum of road sense or in possession of anything which has been manufactured by the Gillette corporation? “It’s out of my hands Paudie, you were pulling twenty eight round bales and you slowed down coming into that hairpin bend, it contravenes everything we stand for. You’ll have to sit on top of the unsecured load for a few years till you get a bit of sense. One day you’ll thank me for this”