Saturday, August 31, 2013


Last night I watched two hours of home movie footage. It wasn't of some gurgling baby, an under 10 football match or unbearable wedding ceremony. It was the home movies of Mickey Jones from Bob Dylan's 1966 World Tour. Mickey was the drummer in Dylan's band at the time and he carried an 8mm camera that he used to record pretty much everything, it seems. Mickey narrated all the shots filling us in on the locations, the context and the personnel. It was fucking brilliant. I would rather boil my head than look at two whole hours of someone's home movie footage, but not Mickey Jones's. Mickey can show me his anytime.

Which leads to the most famous heckle in history. I listened carefully to Mickey give his account of the "Judas" shout at the Manchester Free Trade Hall on that very same world tour and wondered where is the heckler now. What's he doing right now and has any documentary film maker, such as Joel Gilbert,  ever tried to track him down? He couldn't have known the impact his yell would have, that we would still be discussing it forty six years later. One shout which lasted a second all those years ago. I'd love to know what became of him, whether he still feels the same at this remove, has he ever warmed to Dylan's electric stuff in the intervening years? It would be a great, great programme. I think it would be right up the alley of the fella who produced Searching for Sugarman and Man on Wire.

I hereby call on him to get the ball rolling. Otherwise I'll have a crack myself.   

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