Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Radio Gaga

A texter to the child psychologist on the Sean Moncrief show today revealed that her eleven month old is petrified of the sound of the hoover and the hairdryer and wondered whether the little fella would ever grow out of it.

Now the answer that our friend the child psychologist should have given is that no, your son will not grow out of it and will unfailingly go apeshit at the sound of hoovers and hairdryers for the remainder of his life. But he didn’t.

That the question was composed and sent in the first place, that the host of the show read it out and that the expert constructed an earnest answer is the most succinct yet also the most comprehensive description I have come across of the real crisis that faces the country.

I wonder will Enda and Eamonn include anything in the Programme For Government to eradicate such eejitry.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Enough Said

There was a discussion of wedding gifts and wedding gift etiquette on a radio show hosted by Fiona Looney a few days ago. Looney asked a caller if she would be insulted to receive a wedding present of €50. Her reply was “well it’s ten of one half dozen of the other to me to be honest”.

And the thought occurred to me that here we had the perfect “stepping off point” for this whole concept of participatory radio. The optimum moment to lift the siege; to return the medium to its founding premise; entertainment.

I thought that subsequent to the ten of one half dozen the other comment that we would hear a solemn voiceover (James Earl Jones or Morgan Freeman perhaps) saying something to the effect of “ This is a public service announcement; in the interests of decency all the phone lines are now closed. Until further notice”.

Such an announcement never came. On goes the torment.

If ten of one half dozen of the other can't put it to bed then for the love of God what will?